DCP 2K | stereo | 1.78:1 | b&w | 55’40’’ | 2013
Susya is a Palestinian village in the Occupied West Bank, where territorial disputes with Israeli soldiers and settlers are part of the daily routine. Every walk with the sheep is like a negotiation over the remaining pastures, resistance means persevering, telling one’s own story, evoking the past or a time to come. The film follows some of the inhabitants of Susya through their day-to-day lives: fragments, mere hints that form an open space of meaning.
With: Sara, Yousef, Hamsi, Rabiha, Iman, Mohammed, Nasser and other members of the Nawaj’ah family
Festival Screenings:
Duisburger Filmwoche (2013)
Dokumentarfilmwoche Hamburg (2014)